When we are about to take on any new client we always do our own A,B,C test. If possible we look to apply it even before we see the prospective client for the first meeting at their premises.
It’s the most simplest of processes but it works every time. It’s as simple as A, B, C.
A – is a person, who is A? A will be your Menudedicated office cleaner
When Clients Let Us Become Partners Rather Than Just Suppliers
When Clients Let Us Become Partners Rather Than Just Suppliers The best relationships are always formed on a basis of trust. Without trust there’s nothi
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Most weeks we’ll receive calls from companies making enquiries to see if we are able to provide cleaning cover whilst their own cleaners are off
Our experience is very wide and extremely varied, if you just want a quick call for a chat through your particular cleaning issues, or you want to meet us to receive a quick quote, please call us immediately on
0131 549 8107